Fewer seniors can contribute towards meal cost
In 1973, Trinity Methodist Church congregation members mobilized in the church parking lot, and Eastside Meals on Wheels (EMoW) was born. In EMoW’s over fifty years of service, we have provided over one million meals to the seniors in our neighborhoods.
In the past three years, EMoW has more than doubled in size. In a pattern that is likely to continue, more and more seniors need our help, while fewer and fewer can contribute financially to the cost of the service.
In 2023, EMoW delivered 48,467 meals (171% more than served in 2018).
An analysis by The National Council on Aging (NCOA) and LeadingAge LTSS Center @ UMass Boston revealed that the total wealth of 80% of older adult households decreased from 2014 to 2016.
In 2018, 85% of our clients not covered by Medicaid contributed towards the cost of their meals. Now less than 25% of our clients can afford to contribute.
In 2018, our clients not covered by Medicaid contributed an average of $4.25 per meal. In January 2024 the average was $1.04.
Meals on Wheels is a public-private partnership, so the federal government provides approximately 40% of the seed funding, and we need donations from individuals and businesses to help us cover the rest. Any contributions you make to this restricted fund will go directly towards making up this difference.
Donate to the Meal Relief Fund
Your generous donations can make a abig difference in the lives of seniors across Northeast, St. Anthony and the University neighborhoods.
Thank you to our sponsors: